
Seribu Anggota RAPI Wilayah 24 Depok Dukung IBH Jadi Anggota Kehormatan

Oleh On Juli 10, 2024

KOTA DEPOK -- RAPI (Radio Antar Penduduk Indonesia),

wilayah 24 Kota Depok, telah resmi berdiri pada tahun 1987, dengan anggotanya kurang lebih 1.000 orang se-Kota Depok.

"Adapun dengan kegiatan RAPI yang telah berjalan diantaranya, membantu Pemerintah Kota Depok, dalam hal bantuan komunikasi dalam rangka pengamanan Nataru dan Lebaran di setiap tahunnya.

"Selain itu, membantu korban bencana, di Cianjur bersama Pemerintah Kota Depok, Nobar di Walikota, pembagian takjil, sahur on the road,dll," ujar Ketua Wilayah 24 Kota Depok, H. M Lutfi, didampingi Sekretaris Wilayah Kota Depok, Ir. Dida Firdaus serta Pengurus RAPI Wilayah 24 Kota Depok, Jawa Barat.

Menurutnya, bahwa beberapa waktu yang lalu, kami dari pengurus RAPI Wilayah 24 Kota Depok, berinisiatif untuk menjadikan Bang Imam sebagai anggota kehormatan RAPI.

"Jadi, yang kami harapkan kedepannya dapat terjalin sinergitas antara Pemerintah Kota Depok dengan kami pengurus RAPI," tutur H. Lutfi.

Ia juga menyebutkan, 'Alhamdulillah pada hari selasa tanggal 9 Juli 2024, pengurus RAPI Kota Depok, sengaja mendatangi DPD PKS Kota Depok, dalam acara silaturahim sekaligus penyerahan KTA RAPI Wilayah 24 Kota Depok, kepada Ir. H. Imam Budi Hartono, M.Si. (IBH).

"Jadi IBH didaulat menjadi anggota kehormatan RAPI Kota Depok," ucap
H. M Lutfi, di hadapan Sekretaris Wilayah Kota Depok Ir. Dida Firdaus serta Pengurus RAPI Wilayah 24 Kota Depok.

Dijelaskannya, bahwa RAPI juga telah membantu memberikan informasi Kamtibmas, tanggap darurat, sehingga masyarakat dapat mengetahui kejadian apapun khususnya di Kota Depok.  

"Artinya, dengan keberadaan RAPI di setiap Provinsi, terjalin hubungan yang sangat baik, saling menghormati, menghargai dan saling membantu disetiap kegiatan ataupun lintas perjalanan," jelas H. M Lutfi.

H. M Lutfi menambahkan, bahwa dengan di daulatnya Bapak Wakil Walikota Depok sebagai anggota kehormatan RAPI, semoga kedepannya, Kota Depok lebih mudah berkomunikasi dalam hal pencegahan bencana ataupun lainnya.

"Selanjutnya, RAPI Kota Depok, lebih dapat meningkatkan etos kerja organisasi yang tentunya mendapat dukungan penuh dari Pemerintah Kota Depok," tukasnya, dan semoga sukses selalu Bapak Wakil Walikota Depok, kami dukung semua program Pemerintah Kota Depok," tambahnya.



Oleh On Juni 16, 2024

                      Swimming (PHOTO SOURCE Gramedia)
Here are some rules and prohibitions in swimming:

    False Start: Starting before the starting signal is a false start and results in disqualification.

    Interference: Any intentional obstruction or interference with another swimmer's race, such as grabbing or pushing, is not allowed and can lead to disqualification.

    Illegal Strokes: Using strokes that do not conform to the rules of the race (e.g., underwater swimming for too long in freestyle events) can result in disqualification.

    Equipment Violations: Using illegal equipment or attire that does not comply with the rules (e.g., non-approved swimsuits, goggles in certain races) is prohibited.

    Doping: The use of banned substances or methods to enhance performance is strictly prohibited and can lead to disqualification and sanctions.

    Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Behaviors such as intentionally obstructing or impeding competitors, using offensive language, or disrespecting officials can result in penalties or disqualification.

    Lane Violations: Crossing over into another swimmer's lane during a race can lead to disqualification unless permitted by the rules.

These rules are enforced to ensure fair competition, maintain safety, and uphold the integrity of swimming events.



Oleh On Juni 16, 2024

               Soccer (PHOTO SOURCE Okezone)

Here are some rules in soccer (football):

    Tackle from Behind: It's illegal to tackle an opponent from behind.

    Handball: Players cannot touch the ball with their hands or arms, except for the goalkeeper within their penalty area.

    Offside: A player is offside if they are closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent when the ball is played to them.

    Dangerous Play: Actions like high kicking or dangerous challenges are prohibited.

    Fouls: Actions like pushing, tripping, or holding an opponent are considered fouls.

    Time Wasting: Deliberate actions to waste time, like delaying a restart or excessively celebrating a goal, are penalized.


Oleh On Juni 16, 2024

                          Basketball (PHOTO SOURCE Kompas.com)
Here are some rules in basketball:

    Traveling: Moving without dribbling the ball or taking too many steps without dribbling is not allowed.

    Double Dribble: Dribbling the ball with both hands simultaneously or stopping and then dribbling again is a violation.

    Carrying/Palming: Holding the ball excessively on the side of or underneath the ball while dribbling is illegal.

    Goal Tending: Interfering with the ball while it is on its downward flight to the basket or touching the ball when it is above the rim and in its downward path to the basket is prohibited.

    Personal Foul: Illegal physical contact with an opponent, such as pushing, holding, or hitting, is considered a foul.

    Technical Foul: Unsportsmanlike conduct, such as arguing with referees or using abusive language, can result in a technical foul.

    5-Second Violation: Holding the ball for more than 5 seconds without dribbling or passing is a violation.

These are some of the key rules and violations in basketball that players must adhere to during the game.


Oleh On Juni 16, 2024

                    Tennis (PHOTO SOURCE CNN Indonesia)
Here are some rules and prohibitions in tennis:

    Foot Fault: Serving with any part of the foot touching the baseline or the court before the ball is struck is a fault.

    Double Fault: Failing to successfully deliver both serves into the correct service box results in a double fault and the loss of the point.

    Obstruction: Intentionally obstructing an opponent's view of the ball or movement on the court is not allowed.

    Time Violation: Exceeding the time limit between points, games, or sets as specified by the rules can result in a warning or penalty.

    Interference: Any deliberate distraction or noise that disrupts play is prohibited.

    Racket Abuse: Intentionally throwing or damaging the racket in frustration is considered misconduct and can lead to a penalty.

    Coaching During Play: Receiving coaching or instructions from anyone other than during allowed breaks in play (e.g., between sets) is not permitted.

These rules ensure fair play and sportsmanship during tennis matches, governing conduct and actions on the court.




Oleh On Juni 16, 2024

                              Cricket (PHOTO SOURCE Blibli.com)
Here are some rules and prohibitions in cricket:

    No Ball: Delivering a ball that is deemed illegal by overstepping the crease or for other reasons specified in the rules.

    Wide: Bowling a ball that is too wide for the batsman to reach with a normal batting stance, resulting in an extra run awarded to the batting team.

    Leg Bye: Batsman scoring runs off their body or equipment without making contact with the bat, in certain circumstances.

    Hit Wicket: A batsman unintentionally dislodging their own stumps with their bat or body while attempting a shot.

    Handled the Ball: Touching the ball with a hand not holding the bat without the consent of the fielding side.

    Obstructing the Field: Intentionally obstructing a fielder's attempt to field the ball or prevent a run out.

    Time Wasting: Deliberately wasting time or delaying the match without a valid reason.

These rules help maintain fairness and discipline during cricket matches, ensuring that all players adhere to the spirit of the game and its regulations.



Oleh On Juni 16, 2024

                         Golf (PHOTO SOURCE KlikDokter)
Here are some rules and prohibitions in golf:

    Out of Bounds: Hitting the ball outside the designated boundaries of the course.

    Lost Ball: Failing to find the ball within a specified time limit, resulting in a penalty stroke.

    Unplayable Lie: Declaring the ball unplayable due to its position, such as in a hazard or difficult terrain, and taking a penalty drop.

    Improving Lie: Improving the position of the ball or the area of intended swing illegally, such as by moving loose impediments.

    Slow Play: Exceeding the specified time for completing a round or hole, which can lead to penalties or warnings.

    Etiquette Violations: Behaviors like talking or moving during another player's swing, not repairing divots, or not raking bunkers properly.

    Dropping: Improperly dropping or placing the ball after a penalty, such as not dropping it from shoulder height or within the correct relief area.

These rules and prohibitions are essential for maintaining the integrity and fairness of golf competitions, ensuring that all players abide by the established guidelines and etiquette of the game.



Oleh On Juni 16, 2024

                        Baseball (PHOTO SOURCE Kompas.com)
Here are some rules and prohibitions in baseball:

    Balk: A pitcher making a movement to deceive a base runner without delivering the pitch is considered a balk, resulting in advancing all runners one base.

    Interference: Any action by a player or team member that hinders or impedes a fielder's ability to make a play is interference, resulting in penalties.

    Obstruction: A fielder impeding the progress of a baserunner who is legally running the bases is obstruction, resulting in advancing the runner to the next base.

    Infield Fly Rule: When there are runners on first and second base or first, second, and third base with less than two outs, an infield fly is called to prevent the defense from intentionally dropping a pop-up to create a double or triple play.

    Illegal Pitch: Pitchers are not allowed to use certain illegal pitches such as a spitball, a shine ball, or foreign substances applied to the ball.

    Base Running Violations: These include running out of the base path to avoid a tag, passing another runner, or failing to tag up after a caught fly ball in certain situations.

    Equipment Violations: Using illegal or altered equipment, such as bats or gloves, is prohibited.

These rules ensure fair play and sportsmanship during baseball games, governing conduct and actions on the field to maintain the integrity of the sport.



Oleh On Juni 16, 2024

                         Rugby (PHOTO SOURCE nocindonesia.or.id)
Here are some rules and prohibitions in rugby:

    Forward Pass: Passing the ball forward to a teammate is not allowed. The ball must be passed backward or laterally.

    Offside: Players must stay behind the ball carrier or behind the ball when it is played by a teammate. Being offside results in a penalty.

    High Tackle: Tackling an opponent above the line of the shoulders is considered dangerous play and results in a penalty or a yellow/red card depending on severity.

    Obstruction: Blocking or interfering with an opponent who does not have the ball is obstruction and results in a penalty.

    Dangerous Play: Actions such as diving into rucks, collapsing scrums, or entering mauls incorrectly are considered dangerous and result in penalties.

    Foul Play: Any deliberate foul play, such as punching, kicking, or tripping an opponent, results in penalties, yellow cards, or red cards.

    Scrum Violations: Violating scrum rules, such as early engagement or collapsing, results in penalties.

These rules are essential for maintaining safety and fairness in rugby matches, ensuring that players adhere to the regulations and uphold the spirit of the game



Oleh On Juni 16, 2024


                         Atletik (PHOTO SOURCE Tokopedia)
Here are some rules and prohibitions in athletics (track and field):

False Start: Starting the race before the starting signal is a false start and results in disqualification.

    Lane Infringement: Stepping out of the assigned lane during a race, particularly in sprinting events, can lead to disqualification.

    Obstruction: Impeding or obstructing another athlete's path intentionally during a race or event is not allowed and can result in penalties.

    Illegal Equipment: Using equipment or attire that does not comply with the rules (e.g., unauthorized footwear, illegal implements) is prohibited.

    Doping: The use of banned substances or methods to enhance performance is strictly prohibited and can lead to disqualification and sanctions.

    Breaking Event Rules: Failing to adhere to specific rules of an event, such as not clearing the bar in high jump or long jump, can lead to disqualification or a failed attempt.

    Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Behaviors such as deliberately impeding or hindering competitors, using offensive language, or disrespecting officials can result in penalties or disqualification.

These rules are enforced to ensure fair competition, maintain safety, and uphold the integrity of athletics events.


Oleh On Juni 16, 2024

                          Badminton(PHOTO SOURCE KONI Depok)

Here are some rules and prohibitions in badminton:

    Service Fault: Incorrectly serving the shuttlecock, such as not hitting it below waist level, or moving the feet before serving.

    Let: A let is called if the shuttlecock hits the net and goes over during service, or if the rally is hindered by an unexpected event.

    Faults During Play: Touching the net with the racket or body, hitting the shuttlecock twice in succession, or hitting the shuttlecock out of bounds.

    Misconduct: Using unsporting behavior, such as swearing or arguing with the referee, can result in warnings or penalties.

    Coaching: Receiving advice from a coach during play, except during authorized breaks, is not allowed.

    Delays: Intentionally delaying the game, such as excessive time between points or games, can result in penalties.

    Court Violations: Stepping on or outside the court boundaries during play or serving.


These rules are in place to ensure fair play and maintain the integrity of badminton matches, ensuring that all players adhere to the regulations and sportsmanship standards of the sport.


Oleh On Juni 16, 2024

                         Hoki Es (PHOTO SOURCE Wikipedia)

Here are some rules and prohibitions in ice hockey:

    Offside: Players must not enter the opponent's zone before the puck does. Offside results in a stoppage of play and a face-off outside the blue line of the offending team.

    Icing: Players cannot shoot the puck from behind the center line all the way to the opponent's goal line without it being touched by another player. Icing results in a face-off in the offending team's defensive zone.

    Checking from Behind: Checking an opponent from behind into the boards or causing them to crash into the boards is a dangerous play and results in a penalty or misconduct.

    High-Sticking: Accidentally or intentionally hitting an opponent with a stick above the shoulder level is high-sticking and results in a penalty.

    Tripping: Using a stick, arm, or leg to trip an opponent is tripping and results in a penalty.

    Fighting: Engaging in fisticuffs or altercations with opposing players can result in penalties, game misconducts, or ejections.

    Goalie Interference: Players cannot obstruct or interfere with the goalie while they are in their crease area. Goalie interference results in penalties and the disallowance of goals.

These rules are enforced to maintain safety, fairness, and sportsmanship in ice hockey games, ensuring that players adhere to the regulations set forth for the game.



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